Monday, November 16, 2009

Favorite Colors

My preference is for a “cool” palette in my garden: white, pink, lavender, blue. But this time of year, a warm, bright splash here and there is a welcome addition. That’s why I like the Swamp Sunflower and the Pineapple Sage. This year, unfortunately, we had an early frost, which obliterated the latter and did the former no favors. Both have now dropped their petals and the only remaining color in my garden comes from 3 Gaura that don’t seem to want to give up. They have recently been joined by Pansies and Violas, all very cheerful (and mostly in cool colors!).

Soon, after clean-up is finished, the last bed has been mulched – and that one tree has been moved to a new location! – 2009 gardening will be finished and dreams of “next year” will begin.

I wonder how black flowers would do in my garden. I don’t have any yet (and, seriously, I am running out of space!), but after becoming acquainted with Karen Platt and her books, I am at least intrigued. So, I have just ordered 10 ‘Black Hero’ tulips. Check with me in five or six months and I’ll let you know what the results have been!


Karen Platt said...

Good choice Lya, 'Black Hero' is my favourite tulip. Did you know I also have a book called 'Tulips the Turban Flower? I usually make a pilgrimage to Holland every year to visit the tulips. I'm interested which Gaura is still flowering so well, 'The Bride'is my favourite. The ones with reddish purple foliage, I find a bit gaudy.

Lya Sorano said...

The bulbs arrived today, Karen (if you read this, you will already have seen my post . . .!) and they look wonderful.

One of my Gaura is a 'Siskiyou Pink’ - the other two came without names and have more white than pink to them. Foliage is mostly green, with some bronzing.