Saturday, April 17, 2010

What Is This?

My daughter Christina and her husband, Ryan, bought a 30+ year old house last summer/early fall, that had stood empty for three year, with a close to one-acre, overgrown yard. The original owners had installed lovely garden areas and we are now in the process of identifying some of the plants. There are Daylilies and Hostas everywhere, Bearded Irises, shrubs that include Rose of Sharon, Holly, Crape Myrtle, Hydrangea, Azalea, Camelia, and such trees as Dogwood and Japanese Maple, as well as old. old, old Maples and Oaks. This plant (pictured) is everywhere. It seems to be a bulb and the bell-shaped flowers are gorgeous. I know I have seen it before, I should know what it is, but . . . . I cannot think of a name. Do you know?


Ellie said...

That is just gorgeous! Just imagine a garden full of these flowers. Could they be bluebells (Hyacinthoides)?

Karen Platt said...

It is Hyacinthoides, I'd have to check which is the lighter flowering Spanish or English, I have a feeling the former off the top of my head. I have the English one H. non-scripta, it is darker than this - not in flower yet here. So pretty, normally a woodland plant they appreciate a bit of shade.

Lya Sorano said...

Ellie and Karen, yes, you got it right; see today's post (April 20).

BrandonMoeller said...

Whatever it is, it sure is nice!