Friday, June 24, 2011

Daylilies Are Tough Plants

Despite the hot and dry weather of the past two months, some daylilies manage to thrive.

This one, name unknown, grows under a Pyracantha, next to a Crape Myrtle and a Virginia Sweetshrub; it is a favorite haunt of a ruby-throated hummingbird (he never sits still to have his picture taken!).

This bloom is on 1/3 of the original Chicago Knockout in my garden; the other 2/3 section was spit into three pieces earlier this year and they are also blooming now, including this one:

Soft Summer Night was beautiful a few weeks ago, but all its blooms are now gone. A new edition to my garden since April (from Shumake Daylily Garden in Jefferson, Georgia), it performed brilliantly, holding out much promise for next year.

Russian Rhapsody has, I'm afraid, not been given an optimal place in my garden and I will certainly move it in the fall to a location in which it will thrive. Others, of undistinguished or long-forgotten names, are doing a bit better, including one that loves its place next to a dwarf Nandina.

Plan for the fall . . .

Have another border dug, specifically for daylilies. My post-Labor Day shopping list includes Cosmic Caper, Joylene Nichole, Pewter Lake and Touch The Future.

"Touch The Future" -- who would not want to have this one in the garden?

1 comment:

Kris said...

Nice pictures and nice variety of colors. Thanks for sharing.