Saturday, January 23, 2010

For Alan and Denise

This picture, of Jim and Vickie Smith’s “JVS Rustic Birdhouses”, is my gift to my friend Alan and new acquaintance Denise in Australia.

What gardening is for me, birding is for them. Alan is an expat-writer colleague and Denise, who is a member of a semi-traditional clan of the Kunwinjku people of Arnhem Land, lectures about birds all over the place. They are both published writers and birding guides.

These birdhouses are absolutely lovely! Decorated with rusty old garden tools, such as rakes, or other iron implements from an earlier age, e.g. railroad spikes, they were among the crowd-pleasers of the just concluded Winter Conference of Georgia Master Gardeners.

I wish JVS Rustic Birdhouses had a web site, but not yet!

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